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Likert scale & how to create one (free examples)

Jan 02, 2023 9 min lesen
Likert scale & how to create one (free examples)

Sena Akman

Sena Akman

Sena is a content writer at She likes to read and write articles on different topics. Sena also likes to learn about different cultures and travel. She likes to study and learn different languages. Her specialty is linguistics, surveys, survey questions, and sampling methods.

How to make an x-y graph in Google Sheets (Step by step)

How to make an x-y graph in Google Sheets (Step by step)

Nov 24, 2023 4 min lesen

Şeyma Beyazçiçek

What is Phishing?

What is Phishing?

Dec 26, 2019 4 min lesen Team