
Der Sommer ist da, und damit auch der Ausverkauf. Sichern Sie sich noch heute ein Jahresabonnement mit bis zu 65 % Rabatt! 🌴🌞


How to create histogram charts in Google Sheets (Step-by-step)

Jun 10, 2024 4 min lesen
How to create histogram charts in Google Sheets (Step-by-step)

Behçet Beyazçiçek

Behçet Beyazçiçek

Behçet is a content writer at He is a music producer and enjoys blending electronic and acoustic tunes. Behçet has expertise in Google Sheets, survey questions, and online forms.

How to Calculate Net Promoter Score in Excel (Step by step)

How to Calculate Net Promoter Score in Excel (Step by step)

Oct 11, 2023 5 min lesen

Şeyma Beyazçiçek

5 decent ways to carry out market research

5 decent ways to carry out market research

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